Sunday, March 15, 2009

mechscape is iraq. runescape is afghanistan

ok so i herd an rumor that mechscape is coming out release date March 25 2009! this is all FINE AND DANDY, but what will jagex do with runescape?????? i think i know the answer to ur query.


you see, jagex will concentrate all their troop and resource on mechscape in attempt to fight the war on 13 year old wallets. SPREADING UR FORCES TOO THIN IS BIG PROBLEM and there will be less efforts put on runescape, thus the terrorist of runescape (autoer, macroer, scammer, real world trader) will become more prevalent and jagex will then have to CUT AND RUN out of mechscape back into Runescape making both of them hell hole. RUNESCAPE GOLD WILL BE INFLATE AND EVERYTHING GLOBAL ECONOMY RUIN

omg y cant any1 see this but me :(